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The Importance Of Personal Safety Training

Krav Maga Lawrence Personal Safety Training Although Krav Maga provides effective solutions to both unarmed and armed assaults, whether committed by individuals or groups etc., it recognizes that it is preferable to avoid violence rather than dealing with what potentially could be a high-stakes incident – however skilled an individual may be real-life violence were there are no rules and/or a referee to stop the fight can be a high risk and extremely dangerous event. Even, what may appear a very straightforward incident can turn very quickly into something much more complex, when certain unknowns at the start of the confrontation start to make themselves known, such as friends and acquaintances who weren’t initially identified start to come to the other sides assistance etc., or in the middle of a fight somebody pulls a weapon etc. Part of the training at Krav Maga Yashir involves the prediction, prevention and avoidance of violence, along with the knowledge of how to make a physical respons, legally justifiable.

Krav Maga & Personal Safety Lawrence, MA Predatory offenders – those who plan their violent crimes – such as muggers, sexual assailants and rapists who target strangers in public places etc., follow certain processes, and use certain methods to gain access to those they intend to victimize. By understanding that violent crimes occur along a timeline and involve distinct phases and stages, it becomes possible to identify offenders before or in the process of committing a violent crime. With the ability to recognize when a violent criminal is in the process of carrying out an offense, it is often possible to exit that location, and get to safety, without having to deal with the individual physically. This set of skills comes under the heading of Self-Protection, with Self-Defense being what you employ when these skills fail etc.

However, predatory or premeditated acts of violence aren’t the only types of aggression that we may have to deal with. Sometimes, non-predatory individuals, will become aggressive and potentially violent due to social situations they find themselves in e.g., somebody knocks into them and spills a drinks, or somebody inadvertently cut in front of them in a line, or they simply interpret somebody looking at them as being an aggressive challenge they need to respond to etc. These spontaneous acts of aggression/violence can’t be predicted and so must be dealt with using other tools. In many cases such conflicts can be dealt with using effective de-escalation techniques and methods.

Krav Maga Lawrence, Massachusetts, Personal Safety There may be times when it is impossible to avoid both premeditated and spontaneous acts of violence, however being able to identify at the earliest opportunity that someone has harmful intent towards you, allows you to better prepare yourself both mentally and physically for the confrontation you are about to be involved in e.g., you can start to control range, set up a pre-emptive strike/attack etc., and/or look for an improvised weapon and the exit route you will take once you have created an opportunity to do so safely etc. Developing effective self-protection skills, improves your chances of making your Krav Maga effective. At Krav Maga Yashir, we teach solutions to violence as a whole, both the preventative and physical measures needed to survive a real-life act of violence.

If you are looking to start training at Krav Maga Yashir please use the registration form below to sign up for one of our introductory seminars (this also includes access to our online short course, which contains information on de-escalation and violence avoidance.

Registration Form