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Frequently Asked Questions About Krav Maga Yashir


Krav Maga Yashir FAQs

How Much Does It Cost to Be A Member Of Krav Maga Yashir?

There are two rates for membership at Krav Maga Yashir. Our standard rate is $185/month for unlimited training (we don’t do day rates, or punch cards etc.). We also have a discounted rate of $155/month for full time students, first responders, and veterans.

Membership includes unlimited training (this includes specialist seminars as well as regular classes), belts and gradings, access to our online training resource (contains techniques, online short course, database of virtual classes etc.), and discounted rates for seminars conducted by visiting/guest instructors etc.

How Do I Start Training at Krav Maga Yashir?

There are two routes to start training at Krav Maga Yashir. The recommended route is to attend one of our introductory Krav Maga seminars, where you will be introduced to the approach/system and taught everything you need to hit the ground running in our regular classes. This means that when you become a full member of the school you will never have to train with absolute beginners, who need to be taught how to hold pads, train safely etc. To see when the next seminar is, please click here

The other route, if your schedule doesn’t allow you to attend one of these classes, is to take our virtual short course, which can be accessed by clicking here

How Fit Do I Have to Be to Start Training in Krav Maga?

The number one reason that most people put off training in Krav Maga is that they don’t believe they are fit enough to do so. Krav Maga trains every different energy system, and so it is difficult to train for the specificity of Krav Maga training.

Your current fitness level should not be an obstacle, and the way our classes are structured they will be able to accommodate you. Our students are supportive, and will help encourage you as you increase your fitness as you train with us.

Does Krav Maga Yashir Have Sparring Classes?

Yes, we do have regular opportunities for sparring. Sparring classes rotate on different days of the week, throughout the month, so everybody has the opportunity to spar. These classes are 30-minutes in length, with 10-15 minutes dedicated to open sparring for those who have completed are pre-requisite training, and who wish to spar. Those who are not yet ready, or don’t want to spar yet, are instructed in sparring drills during this period.

Is there Groundwork in Krav Maga?

Krav Maga teaches both “Ground Fighting” and “Ground Survival”. Both are necessary for reality-based self-defense. In many instances the best option if you find yourself on the ground, is to survive this dimension of the fight and get back up to standing (when you consider the possibility of weapons being involved and multiple assailants being present, spending too long on the ground is often a bad option). We do also teach ground fighting, where you learn, to choke out aggressors and/or destroy limbs.

Why Should I Train Krav Maga Rather Than MMA, Muay Thai or BJJ?

If you are looking o compete in a controlled environment with rules then your best option is a combat sport. Often combat sports train a particular dimension/aspect of a fight e.g., BJJ focuses on fighting on the ground, and often uses boxing to supplement it etc. While MMA trains many dimensions of a fight, it doesn’t present solutions to multiple attackers or weapons etc. Also, it only trains fighting in one context e.g., the cage/ring. In real-life scenarios you may find yourself having to defend yourself in many different contexts e.g., on public transport, in your car, fighting when seated etc. This is what Krav Maga trains you for.

Modern/Evolved Krav Maga, has adopted many of the training methods from MMA and BJJ, as it has been recognized that some of the drills and methods use, are productive in developing fighting skills, however in Krav Maga it is never assumed that an attacker is unarmed or alone, or that you have a large open space to work in etc.



If you are thinking about taking Krav Maga classes, our 90-minute, Introduction to Krav Maga seminars are a great starting point. Use the button below to learn more.

Krav Maga Seminars